Saturday, 15 December 2012

A Note to Self...

There is so much excitement, anxiety, tummy butterflies and contemplation I feel as I write my very first blog post.  I am a huge thinker, a notorious "disease to please" personality .. and question:

"who will read this is and criticize how interesting (or not) my words are?", "Will I be able to keep this up and have the energy to find meaningful-enough things to post about?", "Am I over-exposing myself to be criticized? - the hardest thing for me to swallow", "Do I have to the right to talk about each day to day happening that involves my daughters, husband and whoever else crosses my path?".

*changes font*

I wonder when I type will I be judged on the style of writing - will it portray me to be someone different than if I type like this.

Then I notice... there are only 5 font types.  Is that enough for my rounds of emotional purging and expression of self?

But the range of colour choices seems adequate enough to compensate.

I am me in this moment... I expect to change from day to day and moment to moment.  I will irritate you sometimes.. I am sure to rub some the wrong way one day but reconnect with you another.  
I am now me in THIS moment and feel uneasy with my last paragraph lol  

So, this post, the first one, I'm going to use as a reminder to me - Trust each moment, that it is how it is meant to be and is deserving.. then let it go.. do not edit a post for better presentation or another's opinion.  It is all perspective.
I please ask of you all reading my posts - please be honest, but kind :)
(no idea how to remove the background colour once I've selected one... lots of blogging lessons to learn :))

Ok, I'm now more excited than anything else. :)

Bit of a bland post, but I do like to build and learn ;)

OH!This is important!  Thank you Kirsty over at for the gentle nudge and assistance in starting this up!  Please drop by and say hi ;)

Lots of love to you and your families! <3



  1. I love that you are experimenting with all the fonts, I am not brave enough to venture further than the occasional bold or italics, maybe a strikethrough if I'm being funny. I do like the red and blue though, I might have to try that next time :)
    Just don't make the writing too small next time

    Welcome to Blogger!

    1. Hey Kirsty :D

      Thank you for the tip; it's not only new blogging but I'm on the laptop rather than my phone.. so all the fonts (even the smallest) seem so big lol

      There's so many different things I want to post about; is there an average frequency to posting?... daily? weekly? :/ :\ :/

      I look forward to connecting with people and posting by request too :D

      Weeeell, that'll do for today. Thank you for your support and love ;)

